UX Reports

UX reporting feature allows viewing various reports on the reports panel. User can customize the duration for which the reports are to be generated and can view the generated data in the combination of tabular and graphical formats. Custom queries can be created to get user interested data. In UX report, there are following three types of reports which are listed below.

General Reports

 By default, General reports menu should be displayed after opening the UX Reports Tab.

Figure 59: General Reports

In general reports, the user can see the reports in the following types:

  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart

Special Reports

The special reports are created on the basis of the pages. To open the special reports page, click the Special menu item under the UX Reports menu. The special reports page is displayed. 

Figure 60: Special Report

Sections in Special Report

There are following sections in Special Reports page:

  • Reports:
  • Time Filter:
  • Selection of a fixed interval: Users can select a fixed interval, such as last 1 hour, last 1 day, last 1 week, last 1 month, and so on. In this, users can get reports on hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.
  • Specified time: Select the duration in terms of date, hours, minutes, and seconds. This needs to be done for start time and end time.
  • Filters: This option is used to filter out the data for the reports.

Note: Once the user has selected all the values, the user has to click on the Generate  button to generate the report. User can also reset the report by clicking on the Reset  button.

Custom Reports

Here, users can add, select, view, or delete client specific reports, such as: Mobile Overall Reports, Tablet Reports, POSF Reports, and so on. 


Figure 61: Custom Report

Adding a Custom Report

To add a custom report, Click the Add  button, the Add Custom UX report window is displayed where users can configure the settings for creating the custom report

Figure 62: Add Custom UX Report Window

In Add Custom UX report, the user has to select which type of reports they want to create in Column Picker window.

Column Picker

There are following two options available:

  1. Session: In session, there are following fields which are listed below:
  • Session Per Minute
  • Total Session
  • Bounce Session Per Minute
  • Total Bounce Session
  • Avg Session Duration
  • Avg Number of Pages
  • Order Total
  • Number of Order
  • Response Time


  1. Page: In page, there are following fields which are listed below:
  • DOM Complete Time
  • Content Load Time
  • First Byte Time
  • DOM Time
  • Session Exit Rate
  • Page As BP Exit
  • Front End Time
  • Back End Time
  • Network Time
  • Page Views
  • DOM Interactive
  • Perceived Render Time


  1. In case a user selects page option, if a user wants to select the dimensions, they have to select the Choose Report Dimension (s) (X axis) checkbox.
  2. After selecting the fields, they user has to click on the Next button to move to the next page.
Customized Report

In this tab, the user can see all the selected fields and dimensions.

Filter Selector

  • User can select filters such as AND or OR for Browser etc from the drop down menu.

Note: Click the Add   button, to add the filters. Click on finish once done.

  • Enter the following Report details: 
    • Report Name: Name of the report.
    • Report Description: Description of the report.
    • Report Group: Select Report group from drop – down menu.

Note: User has to click on the Save  button once they have entered the values.